Lasse Andresen
July 11, 2022

Knowledge forms the base of advanced authorization-as-a-service

Knowledge forms the base of advanced authorization-as-a-service

As a veteran of the identity and access management industry, I have witnessed first-hand the evolution of authorization over the years. We have moved forward but the question still remains a nagging one for me, have we moved forward in a way that makes our current investments applicable in the future? And, are we moving forward fast enough?

The simple answer is no! The more nuanced answer can start to be described in three ways. 

  1. Our current (majority) state of operating authorization is static and is oftentimes built directly into application logic. Technology applied to authorization is brittle, project-based, costly and simply does not reflect the real-world. 
  2. The world is rapidly changing and without an eye towards the future state of identity, a world where not only humans but billions of devices and things can be connected, companies are not future-proofing their identity programs. 
  3. Access management of today is focused on how securely you can enable and offer your digital services, not enhance them.  Broadening our understanding and use of access management and identity data can present an untapped opportunity for businesses, not only providing security but value. 

Evolving the thinking of access control

Authorization has experienced many approaches and models over the past few decades, with each new iteration striving to achieve less user friction while increasing security.

To solve the challenges as well as the opportunities of the modern world we must introduce flexible, intelligent applications.

For this reason, with great excitement,  I announce to you IndyKite Knowledge-Based Access Control.

IndyKite Knowledge-Based Access Control is the authorization solution to better guard risk, improve security and uncover insights for new product creation. 

IndyKite Knowledge-Based Access control (KBAC) leverages the IndKite Knowledge Graph to express the relationships and context present in the real-world, digitally.

KBAC interrogates the continuously changing context, delivering granular, dynamic authorization-as-a-service. 

Is it just a name change?

KBAC is not simply a name change, it is an evolution of access control with the knowledge graph at its core. Instead of individual attributes, we uncover the insights needed for complex, dynamic authorization use cases. Additionally, we can uncover hidden insights waiting to be tapped. 

IndyKite knowledge-based access control is a new way of looking at old problems and provides a growth area from beneath:

  1. At the core of IndyKite KBAC is the knowledge graph, an interconnected dataset enriched with semantics, allowing for deep, dynamic context necessary for complex decision-making. 
  2. With IndyKite KBAC, businesses can apply AI on top of the knowledge graph to extend and enhance the metadata of entities and relationships. When you enrich your data set with new knowledge, the graph becomes more valuable for authorization and beyond.
  3. IndyKite KBAC enables businesses to leverage their expanding datasets and metadata to expand insights and perform granular decision-making that is increasingly complex in the decentralized world. 

Taking the leap together

It is our mission at IndyKite to bring new technology, services and opportunities to the identity and access management industry. The world is changing at a rapid pace and the world of IAM is expanding beyond humans. I invite you to join us on the journey on the next several months of exploring a bit more on what KBAC delivers, the benefits and the value potential for your organization. 

Interest in learning more? Join us for our upcoming webinar on Knowledge Based Access Control - register here.

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